Methods used In Feng Shui

When an individual appraises their home using Feng Shui or when a consultant is called in to a home or office, there are several methods that can be used to sort out the problems.

In all cases the result is that the layout of the room will almost certainly be altered and additional items will be installed, as summarised in the preceding section. One method of analysis commonly used is based upon the octagonal structure of the Pah Kwa (see Seasons and Trigrams). There are two techniques based upon this basic configuration, one called the eight point method and the other, the eight enrichments or endowment method.
  • The latter consists of laying over the plan of the house in question the octagonal grid and this enables the problem areas to be determined and improvements to be suggested (for convenience this has been shown with the north area to the top).
  • The eight point method involves placing a star made up of eight lines over the plan of the house or individual rooms to see where the lines impinge upon the walls.
Both techniques will be de-scribed briefly and their application will then be encountered later.


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